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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Record Player Skipping...

Good Sunday morning everyone!
As I am sitting here reflecting and reading my scriptures, I realized I forgot to post something I wanted to talk about last night, (I was feeling a little tired and under the weather).
So this week for work, I realized just how much I listen to the radio. There are the usual stations, the not so visited stations, and the stations I could totally get a headache listening to.
However, upon being more observant instead of being in my usual daydreaming mode, I came to the sad realization that some radio stations play the same five songs over and over and over again, making even the best song much less enjoyable after the 500th time listening to it within a half hour, (OK, so I might be slightly exaggerating...499).
I feel as though sometimes stations buy a copy of NOW 5893 and play it all day long. Although that is fine with some people, I am an individual who love music and likes to hear new and innovative songs from a variety of artists, not just the same run of the mill three or four that you can get from any radio station.
My advice is to listen to the radio occasionally. There may be a song or two that might be catchy. Then leave as quickly as possible and don't turn it on again for approximately 6 months as to let the cycle of repetition fade. Music is so important in our lives, and I feel can truly make it more uplifting or it can give you the biggest migrain. Unfortunately I feel lately it has been the latter.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Video Games Affecting Social Skills?

While I was driving home from Rock Canyon Park on Monday night, I was listening to the radio, and ran into an interview on KBYU radio with the host, and Dr. Larry Nelson and Dr. Laura Walker. They discussed how very few if any video games lead to pro social skills later in life. As I was thinking about how often children are exposed to media and to video games, it was an eye opening thought for me realizing that they can make an impact, especially single player fighting games, which provide no social interaction, minimal justice done for consequences of violence or other lascivious acts, and a plethora of other misdeeds.
It was fascinating to think that twenty years ago when I was growing up, only a few families had a game system in their home. Now nearly everyone has access. It truly is a new and upcoming form of media that is sure to impact a broad range of individuals within our lifetime. Overall the study was good. I felt that media has such a great influence to strengthen or vice versa tear apart families and the values we truly uphold and stand for.

Monday, September 7, 2009

In The Beginning...

Hey! This is my first blog for my SFL class. That's one small step for me, and one giant leap for media coverage. Stay tuned same bat time same bat channel for the latest updates on my media and how I integrate it into my life. :D