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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Football season may be over, but...

So comes the close of another successful football season. As we wait for another 9 months before it starts up again, I thought I would share a clip I found on youtube that is beyond AWESOME. PS, if you have seen it, I feel so bad for the poor lineman. Just watch carefully, and if it puts a smile on your face like it did mine, my job is done. Have a great week readers!

If you need the link, just copy and know the drill. :)

First Presidency Devotional

On Sunday, I had the great opportunity to watch the devotional given by the first presidency. It made me reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, why we celebrate it, (even if it isn't the official birthday of the Savior).
I thought a lot about the story President Monson shared, about the airport, the storm, and the young soldier whose only wish was to spend what may have been his last Christmas with his family. I feel a lot of times we can get so wrapped up in the commercialism and worldliness of the Christmas season, that we forget what truly matters most.
On my mission, Christmas was a great opportunity to serve others, and was the only thing that made me not think about missed memories with my family. Truly, I feel that service should be done ALL year, because truly giving and serving others help us to forget ourselves, and helps us to better and bless lives of others who truly need it.
I hope that I can take the spirit of the devotional, and not just the Spirit of Christmas, but the Spirit of the Savior with me all year long in my endeavors! :D

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tis the season...for Muppets!

This past week, I had the privilege of watching Muppet Christmas Carol with my family. I LOVE this movie, and would put it on my top 5 list of favorite Christmas movies, (along with Elf, the Grinch, Mickey's Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life).
To me the Muppets have been a source of wholesomeness. I remember watching them with my family growing up and the nostalgia always brings fond memories. My favorite part of this movie was the message that we can change, (granted it's the THEME of ANY Christmas Carol movie, book, or play), and we can give of ourselves to improve the lives of others. My goal in life is to make a difference, and to help those who may be struggling in their life. I know that if each of us did a little, a lot could be accomplished.

Warnings from an apostle

A little before Thanksgiving break, my mom sent me this link. It talks about how Christianity, which England was established on is now forgetting God, and how it has happened within a short amount of time.

To me, this was a warning for us here in America. I love how the founding fathers based this great nation on the belief of God. The church had not been established yet, but their loyalty and devotion to our Heavenly Father was what helped cement the principles we hold so dear.
It also made me think about the talk recently given by Elder Dallin H. Oaks at BYU Idaho, (a great talk. I'll try to post a link to it soon). We truly can't forget God, and can't forget whose hands create all things. As a boy, I remember pledging allegiance to "one nation under God" every day in elementary school. Now without being able to pledge our devotion in order to be more "accomodating" to all walks of life, what will happen next. Proposition 8 during the elections last year was a victory for the nuclear family, and for those of us who believe in traditional families and the values we instill. May we never forget our Father in Heaven in this great nation.