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The Happiest Blog on Earth

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tis the season...for Muppets!

This past week, I had the privilege of watching Muppet Christmas Carol with my family. I LOVE this movie, and would put it on my top 5 list of favorite Christmas movies, (along with Elf, the Grinch, Mickey's Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life).
To me the Muppets have been a source of wholesomeness. I remember watching them with my family growing up and the nostalgia always brings fond memories. My favorite part of this movie was the message that we can change, (granted it's the THEME of ANY Christmas Carol movie, book, or play), and we can give of ourselves to improve the lives of others. My goal in life is to make a difference, and to help those who may be struggling in their life. I know that if each of us did a little, a lot could be accomplished.


  1. Here here Christian! I agree and I also love the Muppet's Christmas Carol. It's been a Christmas favorite of mine for years too. Definitely nostalgic. Its message of change is inspiring and uplifting. I have a brother who has been a "scrooge" for the past few years and I am hoping that with enough time and faith, he will turn his life around before it's too late. By the way, have you seen the new Christmas Carol featuring Jim Carey? I wonder if it's any good??

  2. I love this movie! We watch it every Christmas!!

  3. Muppet's Christmas Carol! That is probably my favorite version of that story ever. My family and I watched it all the time growing up.

  4. Awesome movie! Totally love it. Good choice :)
