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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Media: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Side of Violence

As I have been preparing this case for the mock trial today, I have been thinking a lot about how media influences us.
Sure violence can be fun to watch sometimes, (hey growing up some of my favorite movies and cartoons were super hero based. So now you know). Why is it that some individuals become violent and others don't? Why do some children mimic the actions of their favorite hero, or something they may have seen on the WWF? (I remember a few cases where children died re-enacting scenes from their favorite wrestling program back when I was in Junior High).
Is it wrong for us to banish violent media, or is it truly harmless. In the Gospel, we understand principles that lead us to happiness and eternal salvation. Moderation in all things is one of them. As I was thinking about how I feel when I watch a violent program, it made me realize that I don't feel compelled to do good. My adrenaline is high, and excitement transfer theory, (tying it in to class), does happen, but at the same time, it is not doing anything to help me become a more altruistic individual. My goal as a person is to better society, and make the world a better place for my children in the future, (there are a few steps I need to take before children come into the picture, dating for one...wish me luck :D ), but in the end, I don't feel uplifted most of the time.
Is watching extreme violence bad? I don't believe it is unless we are either a barbarian, or a robot programmed to destroy, (hopefully NONE of us are the latter), but we should take into account moderation, and not let it run our lives or our agency.

1 comment:

  1. I think it goes back to Elder Oak's "good, better, best" thing. Violent media may not be the worst thing out there (I have definitely seen my fair share!)--but there are better things out there that we could be doing. I don't know, that's the way I see it.
