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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Football season may be over, but...

So comes the close of another successful football season. As we wait for another 9 months before it starts up again, I thought I would share a clip I found on youtube that is beyond AWESOME. PS, if you have seen it, I feel so bad for the poor lineman. Just watch carefully, and if it puts a smile on your face like it did mine, my job is done. Have a great week readers!

If you need the link, just copy and know the drill. :)

First Presidency Devotional

On Sunday, I had the great opportunity to watch the devotional given by the first presidency. It made me reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, why we celebrate it, (even if it isn't the official birthday of the Savior).
I thought a lot about the story President Monson shared, about the airport, the storm, and the young soldier whose only wish was to spend what may have been his last Christmas with his family. I feel a lot of times we can get so wrapped up in the commercialism and worldliness of the Christmas season, that we forget what truly matters most.
On my mission, Christmas was a great opportunity to serve others, and was the only thing that made me not think about missed memories with my family. Truly, I feel that service should be done ALL year, because truly giving and serving others help us to forget ourselves, and helps us to better and bless lives of others who truly need it.
I hope that I can take the spirit of the devotional, and not just the Spirit of Christmas, but the Spirit of the Savior with me all year long in my endeavors! :D

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tis the season...for Muppets!

This past week, I had the privilege of watching Muppet Christmas Carol with my family. I LOVE this movie, and would put it on my top 5 list of favorite Christmas movies, (along with Elf, the Grinch, Mickey's Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life).
To me the Muppets have been a source of wholesomeness. I remember watching them with my family growing up and the nostalgia always brings fond memories. My favorite part of this movie was the message that we can change, (granted it's the THEME of ANY Christmas Carol movie, book, or play), and we can give of ourselves to improve the lives of others. My goal in life is to make a difference, and to help those who may be struggling in their life. I know that if each of us did a little, a lot could be accomplished.

Warnings from an apostle

A little before Thanksgiving break, my mom sent me this link. It talks about how Christianity, which England was established on is now forgetting God, and how it has happened within a short amount of time.

To me, this was a warning for us here in America. I love how the founding fathers based this great nation on the belief of God. The church had not been established yet, but their loyalty and devotion to our Heavenly Father was what helped cement the principles we hold so dear.
It also made me think about the talk recently given by Elder Dallin H. Oaks at BYU Idaho, (a great talk. I'll try to post a link to it soon). We truly can't forget God, and can't forget whose hands create all things. As a boy, I remember pledging allegiance to "one nation under God" every day in elementary school. Now without being able to pledge our devotion in order to be more "accomodating" to all walks of life, what will happen next. Proposition 8 during the elections last year was a victory for the nuclear family, and for those of us who believe in traditional families and the values we instill. May we never forget our Father in Heaven in this great nation.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Autobots...roll out! How the mighty have "Fallen"

For the past two years, geek boys everywhere have waited with much anticipation for the sequel to the 2007 hit Transformers, (yes I am one of them). One of the opening sequences at Shanghai with the Autobots both new and old was greeted with cheers of delight, which for many of us turned to groans as the movie progressed.


Truthfully, I still think Optimus Prime is one of the COOLEST cartoon characters ever! How many guys out there wishes he had a giant 20 foot tall robot who kicks butt and turns into a truck. As a child, for me that was always something "more than meets the eye," as I had a sensory overload of sheer awesomeness. Sadly, when I see one of my favorite characters involved in an AWESOME battle die on screen, (OK so he is resurrected later), and the majority of the "speaking" robots portrayed the majority of the remainder of the film are the twins Mudflap and Skids, (Jar Jar Binks twins for a new generation) and the dirty minded little remote control truck Wheelie, it says something.

What happened to the coolness that represents Ironhide, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Arcee, and even Bumblebee seemed to take a step down this film. I miss my autobots, and was tired of how director Michael Bay tried to cater to every audience, but mostly made the movie geared towards 15 year old boys in the hood, (although having Mrs. Witwicky become high off pot brownies is not the best role model for ANY kid no matter where you are from).

Another complaint is the portrayal of women in the film. I felt they were completely objectified, and viewed sexually. Yes, sex sells, but it is not what I believe. I truly believe that women are SO MUCH BETTER and NEED SO MUCH MORE DIGNITY than what was shown. For me, this was an absolute slap in the face of what I have been taught my whole entire life. I hope to always uphold a higher standard and respect woman and motherhood my whole life, and I know that the girl I will someday marry will be treated like a princess, the opposite of how the film depicts them.

Wow! Sorry, I feel like such a pessimist. A third installment should be around in 2011, and hopefully with it, the autobots will be upgraded with dignity. Until then this is me rolling out...

Up Up and Away!!!

OK. Can I admit a guilty pleasure to you readers? I am a sucker for Disney movies. There, I said it. Growing up, my siblings and I loved these films, and even to this day, they make me feel good, and uplifted.

This past weekend, I was able to watch the movie "Up" with my family. Although this was not my first time watching it, I loved it like it was. For me, it had every aspect of a great movie. Great character development, action, a touching and heart felt plot, and a constant barrage of humor!

I think my favorite character has to be Dug. He reminds me a lot of myself, not always the sharpest tool in the shed, but always loyal and willing to help a friend when needed. I think what I like most about Disney and Pixar films is the likeability factor of each character. Although not real, they personify traits that we all see in ourselves, thus helping us to sympathize with their triumphs and trials.

Up is definitely a Disney Classic, and one I will be watching and laughing at for years to come!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So while I was in church on Sunday...

As I was sitting in Elder's Quorum this past Sunday, we showed this little video. Granted it doesn't have any true significant insight, but it was FUNNY!!! Yes, it's another awesome Youtube movie. Copy and paste the link, and hope you enjoy it. In cases like this I am actually glad I don't understand German, but the facial expressions are priceless! Enjoy!

Thoughts on Sexual Content

While I was watching television and fulfilling my assignment for class, it made me reflect on the issues that sexuality is truly everywhere.
The thought of CONTEXT has also been an interesting insight. Before analyzing, I didn't realize how prevalent sexual references are in our every day lives. Television is brimming with innuendos, and off colored jokes. Maybe we as a society have been desensitized as far as understanding what we are viewing, and have come to accept them as normal occurrences.
A lot of times with sexual content, it truly is seen as something "everyone does." Infidelity, sex before marriage, and lust are common themes, as well as joking about the sacred nature of sex. Growing up in the LDS church, we understand the importance sex is to our Heavenly Father, helping grow intimate bonds between husband and wife. I know I'm not married yet, but I hope to keep those things sacred, and never take them for granted as I prepare to make eternal covenants and become a father using this great gift to wonderful children which I know are blessings from the Lord.
Sex sells, it's true, but we don't have to buy the myths we see.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Media: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Side of Violence

As I have been preparing this case for the mock trial today, I have been thinking a lot about how media influences us.
Sure violence can be fun to watch sometimes, (hey growing up some of my favorite movies and cartoons were super hero based. So now you know). Why is it that some individuals become violent and others don't? Why do some children mimic the actions of their favorite hero, or something they may have seen on the WWF? (I remember a few cases where children died re-enacting scenes from their favorite wrestling program back when I was in Junior High).
Is it wrong for us to banish violent media, or is it truly harmless. In the Gospel, we understand principles that lead us to happiness and eternal salvation. Moderation in all things is one of them. As I was thinking about how I feel when I watch a violent program, it made me realize that I don't feel compelled to do good. My adrenaline is high, and excitement transfer theory, (tying it in to class), does happen, but at the same time, it is not doing anything to help me become a more altruistic individual. My goal as a person is to better society, and make the world a better place for my children in the future, (there are a few steps I need to take before children come into the picture, dating for one...wish me luck :D ), but in the end, I don't feel uplifted most of the time.
Is watching extreme violence bad? I don't believe it is unless we are either a barbarian, or a robot programmed to destroy, (hopefully NONE of us are the latter), but we should take into account moderation, and not let it run our lives or our agency.

Another Funny Vid...a little late for Halloween, but still enjoyable

I don't know how many of you have seen the video "Scary Mary," a "horror genre" recut of Mary Poppins, but here it is.
I was definitely trying to post it up here for Halloween, as it seems fitting, but it didn't get up in time. Anways, hope you enjoy it, and remember to watch for HER when the wind blows. Hahaha...

By the way, if the link above doesn't work, try to copy and paste this into a browser. You'll be glad you did.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

For a good laugh check this out... Haha

Hey! On a more fun note, I wanted to post this link. This has to be one of the funniest commercials I have seen the last few weeks and I wanted to share it with you guys. Enjoy and remember to be kind to rabbits...

Just in case my link doesn't work, copy and paste this address into your browser. You'll be glad you did! :D

Poke...Guess who? Are we too worried about Facebook?

Hey loyal readers. After our discussion about new media this past week, I have been much more alert and aware of statuses, and the frequency of individuals updating Facebook.
Being in the middle of the semester, I am going to have to admit that I am on Facebook probably no more than 5 minutes a day. If nothing is new, I don't preoccupy myself with thoughts of friends' loyalties, and whether or not I have become "America's Most Unwanted."
I think sometimes individuals can get carried away, updating statuses every few minutes. As a friend, I am interested in what is important to my friends. However, am I interested in what someone is eating for lunch, or how they are bored after an attention deficit after 20 minutes of homework...not so much.
As we talked about in class, I believe that there is moderation in all things. Is it our narcissism as a society that compels us to want more attention, and for others to currently lie on our beck and call? Do we really want everyone to know publicly our private lives? As Jacob once said, "Oh be wise, what more can I say." True statement.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Vicarious Living

Hey readers!

Another post, another wonderful media event. This week, I watched Jim and Pam's wedding on "The Office," as I am sure that many of you and other BYU students probably have. As funny as this show can be, at times it can be a little risque. So I got to thinking and asking myself an important question this week...

Why do we invest ourselves so much into television shows?

Sure, I know I am guilty as much as anyone. I am an absolute fan of "The Office," "Heroes," and "LOST," as well as "Wipeout." Shows that are riveting, that leave us wanting more, hungry and eager for what lies ahead next week.

Do we vicariously live our lives through these individuals who portray drama, action and a lifestyle we may be familiar or alien to on these programs? Do we wish we could be as charismatic, as social, as good looking, or as talented as those people? Do I wish my dating life, (no comment), were as fun, adventuresome, and abundant as the characters we know and love?

It can be a legitimate question. The more I watch media, and television, the more questions like these arise. The more I think about who I am, and what these shows do for me. If anything, a definite source of entertainment, fulfillment and joy. But could it be more...Only time will tell.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Book Worms (Book Assignment)

I remember growing up, my mom taught me the importance of reading and how it can help enrich the imagination and the experiences I would have in this life. Every month when we received flyers for book orders and whenever a book fair passed through our elementary school, we would always take our money and buy several books, which are still found in the library at my parent’s home. Books were an important part of our enjoyment and entertainment, and I felt that growing up it was much more important than television.
One of my all time favorite books as a child was E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web. To me this was a book not only about the friendship and sacrifice given between a spider and a pig, it was inspiring, and made me consider how I could help others. I remember when I got to the end of the book, my 6 year old eyes filled with tears when I read the part when Charlotte died, giving her last energy and efforts to help her dear friend Wilbur. It was because of her that he would live, and could live a full life, realizing his true potential. Looking back on it, I know that many probably find it cheesy or corny reading such a dramatic book, but it was a personal favorite, and I enjoyed reading it again and again.
For me, books like Charlotte’s Web were important in helping me understand how to be pro-social and how to be a good friend to others. The examples of unselfishness that were found in the novel, as well as talking to my mom about what I read were instrumental in my moral development.
As I grew older and moved into college mode, it was much more difficult to read books for personal enjoyment. I realized that with extracurricular activities, callings, and homework took all my time. However I have noticed that the books I read the most are self help books, as well as books by General Authorities of the Church. For example, some of the titles I have read as of recently have included titles such as I Have Lost My Number, Can I Have Yours: A Guide to LDS Dating, (believe me, my mom got this book for me for a reason), and Teachings and Discourses of President Gordon B. Hinckley. I have felt that books like these have helped me to learn and grow, and although my dating predicament has not been any better, it was helpful to understand what I might do to be a better person.
All in all, I have found that the books I have read over the years have been those which help me to learn and grow and to become a better person. Books have that wonderful power to help increase the powers of imagination, creativity, and to help people develop and make connections that are not placed directly in front of them as they may be in other forms of media.

Bustin' Myths

OK. Not going to lie, I feel like a nerd a lot of times. Yes, some of my favorite shows on TV are those on Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, and the History Channel. I just feel that there are so many AWESOME things to be learned from those channels. There are so many little discoveries and wonders we can learn from the world around us each and every day. We just have to take those moments to notice them.
This week, I watched a few episodes of Mythbusters on Discovery Channel. I love watching this show, because sometimes those nerdy parts of me wonders what happens and if things can actually happen like they do in movies, and in urban myths. Watching how they take those myths and test them. Yes, I am a pyro, and watching things blow up, (safely of course), to me is way cool!
Learning doesn't have to be boring. It can be fun, it can be entertaining, and I feel that a lot of the programs on these shows prove exactly that.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Joke a Day

Not going to lie, it's often rare that I have a chance to sit down and read a book of my choosing. However today I have had a couple minutes. I am the type of person who believes it is important to laugh every day. We all need a little bit of happiness in our lives, and jokes are definitely a way to bring them into our lives.
As I was "taking care of business" today, (and I promise I will leave it at that :) ), I decided to read a joke book. Even though many of the jokes were corny, it worked. It managed to put a smile on my face and I kept reading even afterwards. Humor is the best medicine. As I always say, a joke a day keeps the grumpies away.
Keep on smiling readers. I'll write more soon!

Inspire for Higher

Hey readers!

So today was a GREAT day in the history of media. Like many of you, I was able to watch General Conference and was uplifted by the fantastic messages given by the bretheren, and sisteren (all 6 hours worth today).
I feel that a great message that was a general topic for the day was that change is possible. No matter what our past is, we can always move on and become stronger individuals and disciples in the future. I definitely hope to pattern my life after this.
So I would definitely give General Conference two thumbs up, five stars, and will have to admit that it is one of THE most inspirational media events I have had thus far. :) To all those reading, have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the rest of conference tomorrow!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Record Player Skipping...

Good Sunday morning everyone!
As I am sitting here reflecting and reading my scriptures, I realized I forgot to post something I wanted to talk about last night, (I was feeling a little tired and under the weather).
So this week for work, I realized just how much I listen to the radio. There are the usual stations, the not so visited stations, and the stations I could totally get a headache listening to.
However, upon being more observant instead of being in my usual daydreaming mode, I came to the sad realization that some radio stations play the same five songs over and over and over again, making even the best song much less enjoyable after the 500th time listening to it within a half hour, (OK, so I might be slightly exaggerating...499).
I feel as though sometimes stations buy a copy of NOW 5893 and play it all day long. Although that is fine with some people, I am an individual who love music and likes to hear new and innovative songs from a variety of artists, not just the same run of the mill three or four that you can get from any radio station.
My advice is to listen to the radio occasionally. There may be a song or two that might be catchy. Then leave as quickly as possible and don't turn it on again for approximately 6 months as to let the cycle of repetition fade. Music is so important in our lives, and I feel can truly make it more uplifting or it can give you the biggest migrain. Unfortunately I feel lately it has been the latter.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Video Games Affecting Social Skills?

While I was driving home from Rock Canyon Park on Monday night, I was listening to the radio, and ran into an interview on KBYU radio with the host, and Dr. Larry Nelson and Dr. Laura Walker. They discussed how very few if any video games lead to pro social skills later in life. As I was thinking about how often children are exposed to media and to video games, it was an eye opening thought for me realizing that they can make an impact, especially single player fighting games, which provide no social interaction, minimal justice done for consequences of violence or other lascivious acts, and a plethora of other misdeeds.
It was fascinating to think that twenty years ago when I was growing up, only a few families had a game system in their home. Now nearly everyone has access. It truly is a new and upcoming form of media that is sure to impact a broad range of individuals within our lifetime. Overall the study was good. I felt that media has such a great influence to strengthen or vice versa tear apart families and the values we truly uphold and stand for.

Monday, September 7, 2009

In The Beginning...

Hey! This is my first blog for my SFL class. That's one small step for me, and one giant leap for media coverage. Stay tuned same bat time same bat channel for the latest updates on my media and how I integrate it into my life. :D